Tag: Food Waste

Waste Free Living

Zero Waste Super Bowl!

I might be in it for the snacks and commercials, but I LOVE a good Super Bowl Party! We’ve spent the past couple of years developing a snack spread that minimizes waste and includes everyone’s favorite goodies!

Sustainable Living

13 Tips for Green Apartment Living Directly From Experts

HAPPY BELATED EARTH DAY!!! To honor the holiday, I was thrilled to contribute to a blog on Redfin.com. The blog went live last week, but since every day is Earth Day around here, I’m sharing it with you now. Read on for some great tips from sustainability bloggers around the web, including yours truly. P.S. most of these tips are relevant for everyone, even if you don’t live in an apartment, so don’t let the title fool you into skipping this great read. 

Slow Living, Sustainable Living, Waste Free Living

Roasted Red Pepper Curry Soup

Let me introduce you to my FAVORITE fall soup: Roasted Red Pepper Curry Soup. It’s easy to make, gluten free, dairy free, and EVERYONE in my family is happy to eat this meal! Sure you can buy roasted red peppers in a glass jar at the grocery store (and glass is definitely better than plastic), but have you ever roasted your own? Now is the time! Carpe diem! They freeze really easily so you can have home-roasted red peppers to cook with all winter.

Sustainable Living

Top 5 Sustainability Swaps

There’s one thing I know for certain: we can’t consume our way to a life that doesn’t destroy the planet, so you won’t find a quick list of things to buy in any of my blog posts. That means my top five is a list of simple ways to change your mindset and habits that will help you tread lightly on the planet. Here’s my list of five great sustainability {mindset} swaps.

Waste Free Living

Homemade Yogurt

We get our milk directly from a local farmer, in our own glass jars, each Wednesday. We buy two gallons a week to ensure we have enough for drinking, cooking, and homemade yogurt! That means every week I make yogurt. We eat it for breakfast and use it for cooking […]