Media Highlights
Good Morning America
Michigan Family Tries to Live Waste-Free with
Solar-Panel Bikes & No Plastic
A Michigan family is documenting their waste-free journey
with a daily blog in an effort to inspire others to change
their lifestyles and combat environmental damage.
ABC News
Michigan Family Tries To Live Waste Free
Erin Augustine says, "The term waste free
is a mindset more than a goal."
How to Start a Waste Free Life
Erin Augustine says, "Absolute zero is unattainable. For me
the mindset is recognizing that everything I bring into my
life will eventually be waste and then managing for that."
7 Ways to Cut Down on Single-Use Plastic When Grocery Shopping
"We use a plastic bag for an average of 12 minutes, but they
take hundreds of years to break down in the landfill,"
Erin Augustine, corporate sustainability expert and
founder of @carbonfreefamily on Instagram, tells SELF.
Universalist Unitarian Church
Finding More Joy Through a Smaller Environmental Footprint
Erin Augustine says, "We have the power to make change.
We have the power every single day to design and support
the world we believe in."
One Green Planet
Watch This Family Document Their Waste Free Journey!
Erin Augustine and her family are striving for a waste-free life.
She is the founder of the Carbon Free Family Blog and alongside her family,
the Michigan resident posts actions she hopes will inspire others.
Every Day Sustainability: Part 1
Erin Augustine says, "Throughout my journey, I’ve gotten to
talk to lots of people about sustainability, what it means,
and how we can be more mindful of our impacts. A few
things stand out for me from these many conversations."
Every Day Sustainability: Part 2
"We’ve chosen to own only one car for our family of four
and most days this car stays parked in the garage,"
Erin Augustine, tells Merrell.
The Rockford Squire
The 80/20 Principle
The world of sustainable choices is as varied as people
on the streets... The options are really limitless.
My advice: Do what’s fun! If you are thinking about greening your life, go for it! Start today! Do what is fun for you and your family. Maybe just sit down at Marinades and eat your pizza there instead of take-out (1% better). Maybe ride your bike to MVP and skip the warmup before your workout, which will save time and gas (another 1%). Let’s save the toilet paper-free lifestyle for the real sustainability gurus.
Enjoy the journey!
Contact us!
Erin loves collaborating with media and is proud to have been featured in the videos, articles, and blogs shared above.
For interviews and other media inquiries, please contact us below!