This blog is part of a series about preserving food so you can eat local all year long. Here’s blog #3 on preserving tomatoes. Preserving tomatoes (and then eating them all winter long) is such a favorite activity for our whole family that I’m devoting several blogs to the […]
Tag: Recipe
Homemade Yogurt
We get our milk directly from a local farmer, in our own glass jars, each Wednesday. We buy two gallons a week to ensure we have enough for drinking, cooking, and homemade yogurt! That means every week I make yogurt. We eat it for breakfast and use it for cooking […]
Freezing your own sweet corn
This blog is part of a series about preserving food so you can eat local all year long. I’ve collected them all into a free course that you can access here. The course includes lessons that explain the basic preservation methods of canning, freezing, and dehydrating, and specific examples of how […]
Grandma’s Tomato Sauce
This tomato sauce recipe comes from my mother-in-law. We use it as pizza sauce, pasta sauce, and the best damn tomato soup you’ll ever eat! This blog is part of a series about preserving food so you can eat local all year long. I’ve collected them all into a free course that you can access here.
Canned Tomatoes
Last year I turned about 30 pounds of fresh Roma tomatoes from my farmers market into 17 quarts of canned tomatoes for year round cooking. Tomatoes are such a favorite for me that I’m devoting several blogs to my best strategies to bottle this summer goodness […]
Homemade Mayonnaise
We’ve been on again, off again with making our own mayonnaise over the years. It’s not that hard, but buying mayo from the store seems so much easier… thats my habit talking, right? I am not in the habit of making my own mayo so it seems easier to buy […]
Corn Pudding Tart
It’s sweet corn season!!! Can you believe it? Have you visited your local farmers market or roadside stand to pick up a few dozen ears yet? Apologies to my non-Michigan friends, but Michigan sweet corn is so delicious, that when it comes to market… it’s an event worth celebrating! If […]
Plastic Free July and Homemade Yellow Mustard
Happy July! I can still say that, right? Have you heard of “Plastic Free July”? I figure since the month is almost half way over, I should really start talking about it! Plastic Free July is a global movement encouraging everyone to refuse single use plastic for one month. […]
Sugar Snap Pea Salad
Since the spring vegetables are ripening in our garden one at a time, I’ve been able to obsessively focus on finding recipes to highlight the perfectly ripe and exciting because they’re finally ready to eat veggies. For a couple of weeks now the object of my obsession has been sugar […]
Chives Galore!
I’ve had chives in my herb garden for as long as I can remember, but I’ve never figured out how to incorporate them into my cooking. This spring, since I’m unemployed, the newly appointed head chef, and trying to minimize trips to the grocery store (for both financial and COVID […]